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Spring Cleaning and Selling Online

It’s March now, and Daylight Savings is our cue that spring is on the way, which means it is a great time to start your annual spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is a long-standing tradition in many homes and cultures, one that was often thought to clean the home of negative energy. Here are some tips for how you can turn spring cleaning into a cleansing and even lucrative exercise using economical packing and shipping methods.

1.  Sort. Start by going from one room to another with three boxes or bags. Go through every item in the room and determine if it is something to keep, throw away, donate, or sell. Keep and throw away are obvious, but donate and sell take a bit more thinking. Items to sell should be gently used and completely functional. If it doesn’t retain full functionality, but is something another person could use, it should go in the donation pile.

2.  Clean the room. Now that you’ve removed all the unnecessary items from each room and sorted them accordingly, it is time to actually clean the house. We like to use natural products for safe household cleaning to avoid excessive harsh chemicals inside the home. Start by dusting, then clean
counters, bookshelves, etc. Don’t forget to clean above doors and windows, as well as under and behind furniture.

3.  Clean the floors. We like to leave floors for last since the debris from everything you’ve cleaned will inevitably end up on the floor. Hard surface floors should be swept and mopped with the cleaner of your choice. Carpeted areas should receive extra attention since carpet holds on to bacteria and other unwanted things we would all rather not think about. You can rent a carpet cleaner, or hire a carpet cleaning company to ensure your carpets are fresh and clean.

4.  Organize. So, you’ve gotten rid of what you don’t need and cleaned the house. Now it’s time to organize what’s left. Take the opportunity to organize using whatever method you prefer. Follow the mantra that everything needs a space of its own and you’ll fly through this step.

5.  Cash in. It is finally time to go through the items that you’ve placed in your sell pile. One idea is to sell these items is to have a garage sale. Unfortunately, garage sales are often hit or miss and will usually not clear out everything you want to sell. We suggest posting items online (eBay, Craigslist, etc.) to take advantage of reaching a much wider audience and the likelihood of selling items at a higher price than would be possible in a garage sale.

The best way to increase your profits is to use a preferred shipping partner to ship the items you’ve sold. Pak Mail is a packing and shipping expert with over 400 locations in five countries that provides residential, commercial, and international delivery under budget and on-time. Pak Mail can pack and ship anything you can think of selling online, including fragile china and art, bicycles, furniture, and more. Talk to the experts at Pak Mail for advice on how to ship items to your buyers at a low price and with exceptional customer service.

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